it's all in the name
The word caduc translates from French as both obsolete and deciduous. Appropriately, the roster of Mathieu Ruhlmann’s humble Vancouver imprint, Caduc, plays right at the intersection of [...]
works the room
“I know it may sound crazy, but I am interested in making beautiful music—music that sounds good. I’m not saying this just to be different, and it might not be in line with a [...]
Petra Glynt experiments in celebration
Ancient rock carvings at Petroglyphs Provincial Park in eastern Ontario inspired Alexandra Mackenzie to call her latest solo musical project Petra Glynt. Evoking rock, ancient cultures, [...]
it's all in the name
The word caduc translates from French as both obsolete and deciduous. Appropriately, the roster of Mathieu Ruhlmann’s humble Vancouver imprint, Caduc, plays right at the intersection of [...]
The Restless Art of Radwan Ghazi Moumneh
It’s Friday night in Montreal, and a who’s who of local musicians is packed into the back room of Casa del Popolo to check out the first public appearance of Master of Masters My Master. Nobody[...]
tunes in to the eternal music of matter
Erin Sexton is in awe of the universe. By situating her creative practice in relation to the stars and the planets, the Montreal sound artist seeks to engage in conversations with the cosmos. Her[...]
Chiyoko Szlavnics draws the ear towards infinity
“I keep coming back to light on water,” says Chiyoko Szlavnics, explaining her interest in beating, that intriguing fluttering effect that arises when sound waves of slightly differing frequencies[...]
Louis Andriessen brings the noise
Louis Andriessen arrived on the international scene with a bang. In 1976 he unleashed De Staat (The Republic) on unsuspecting audiences. The political charge of the composition came from[...]
Gil Delindro’s instruments of nature
Earlier this year, an eight-foot-across circle of solid ice was hung from the ceiling of Winnipeg’s RAW: Gallery of Architecture and Design. Why would anyone in the world’s second- [...]
Digital Primitives. Lipsomuch & Soul Searchin’…
Hopscotch Records, Hop 51.
Jean Derome, Malcolm Goldstein, Rainer Weins. 6 improvisations.
Ambiances Magnétiques, AM 214.
David Grubbs. Records Ruin the Landscape: John Cage, the Sixties and Sound Recording.
Duke University Press, ISBN 978-0-8223-5576-2.
On Listening. Edited by Angus Carlyle and Cathy Lane.
Uniform Books, ISBN 978 1 910010 01 3.
Whitney Museum, New York, New York. March 7–May 25, 2014.