Sound notes
SlowPitchSound and the Universe Between the Grooves When it comes to picking the defining factors of a musical practice, some artists view their work as a single, continuous process, homing in on a specific vision and returning to it repeatedly. Others are the opposite—traversing a multitude of styles and sounds as they launch[...] Read more
Sabarah Pilon Finds the Centre In early May, Fredericton musician Sabarah Pilon is getting ready to play her first live show in two years. It’s taking place in a week’s time, on the same weekend as the 2022 East Coast Music Association awards, where her 2021 album Frantic Ram is nominated for Electronic[...] Read more
Gong Punks and Culture Bombs Gentle and intense, soothing and exhilarating, traditional Filipino kulintang music provides the kind of richly immersive experience that makes an hour go by in what seems like a minute. The intertwining, hypnotic rhythms of its gongs and drums rise and fall as the players change tempos and[...] Read more