João Pedro Oliveira's "La Mer Émeraude" Third place in Musicworks’ 2020 Electronic Music Composition Contest was awarded to João Pedro Oliveira's La Mer Émeraude (The Emerald Sea). The composition has also received awards at SIME Competition, Città di Udine Competition, the Destellos Competition[...] Read more

Featured Article STAFF

June Young (Will) Kim's "Black, Emerald" June Young (Will) Kim won second place in Musicworks’ 2020 Electronic Music Composition Contest for Black, Emerald, the third piece in his series of works for amplified canvas. A commission by München Landeshauptstadt Musikstipendium, Kim completed the piece in September 2020 and[...] Read more

Featured Article STAFF

What's Inside Musicworks 140? The Fall 2021 issue connects you to music artists of distinctive styles and from distant places with expertly crafted words and carefully chosen images. It is accompanied by a CD of deeply felt, hand-blown music, enhanced with chiselled edges and unusual colours.   IF YOU ARE A[...] Read more

Featured Article STAFF Issue 140

Musicworks Announces 2020 Electronic Music Composition Contest Winners TORONTO, CANADA, August 30, 2021. For immediate release: After a four-month delay due to challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic, Musicworks is thrilled to announce the winners of its 2020 Electronic Music Composition Contest. We thank the 2020 entrants for their patience.[...] Read more

Sound Notes STAFF

Patricia Martinez: Del cuadro a la postergación Listen to Del cuadro a la postergación (1994, acousmatic, stereo) Composed by Patricia Martinez   Composer notes   Del cuadro a la postergación was part of the diptych Espejos de tiempo  / Mirrors of time.[...] Read more

Sound Notes STAFF

Musicworks' Marcelle Deschênes Prize in Electronic Music / Prix Marcelle Deschênes pour la musique électronique Please share this news with your friends, collaborators, and community.     Now in its fourth year, the Marcelle Deschênes Prize in Electronic Music / Prix Marcelle Deschênes pour la musique électronique is part of the annual[...] Read more

Sound Notes STAFF

Winners of Musicworks' 2019 Electronic Music Composition Contest Announced . . . at Last! After a month delay due to challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic, Musicworks is thrilled to announce the winners of its 2019 Electronic Music Composition Contest. We thank composer entrants for their patience.   Brazilian composer Alex Buck, who is currently based[...] Read more

Featured Article STAFF

Bekah Simms’ Skinscape and Elliott Lupp’s Hinge Bekah Simms’ Skinscape received an honourable mention from the jury of Musicworks’ 2018 Electronic Music Composition Contest.   Skinscape is a work for flute and fixed media inspired by the transformation of something intimately familiar into something processed[...] Read more

Featured Article STAFF

Chroma Mixed Media's Water Water, the second-place winner of Musicworks' 2018 Electronic Music Composition Contest, is a multimedia performance piece structured around changing states of water. It was composed collaboratively by three members of Chroma Mixed Media for a performance with the Co.Crea.Tive[...] Read more

Sound Notes STAFF

Musicworks Unveils 2018 Electronic Music Composition Contest Winners TORONTO, CANADA, March 8, 2019. For immediate release:   Musicworks is thrilled to announce the winners of its 2018 Electronic Music Composition Contest.     U.K. composer Manuella Blackburn (left) has won first prize with her[...] Read more

Featured Article STAFF

Julia Mermelstein's "wonted II-III" Toronto-based composer Julia Mermelstein creates music focused on detailed tone, colour, textures, and gestural movement that reveal evocative, immersive, and subtly changing soundscapes. Her work aims to blend acoustic and electronic sound worlds in seamless interactions.[...] Read more

Sound Bite STAFF

Demian Rudel Rey’s "Theophilus" Argentinian composer and guitarist Demian Rudel Rey has received numerous awards and honorable mentions in various national and international composition compstitions, and his pieces have been selected and programmed at prestigious festivals across Europe and the Americas.[...] Read more

Sound Notes STAFF