Mike Chamberlain

Something Else! Festival of Creative Music The rough, faded industrial city of Hamilton, Ontario, might seem an unlikely setting for a top-notch festival of creative music, but thanks to the efforts of Cem [pronounced Jem] Zafir, the artistic director of Something Else!, the city proved a perfect little world for the musicians and[...] Read more

Concerts and Events Mike Chamberlain

Mecha Fixes Clocks. Beau comme un aéroport; Pink Saliva. Il parait que. These two CDs, released on Eric Normand’s Tour de Bras imprint, have in common the trumpet of Elwood Epps and the drums of Michel F. Coté, both players dynamic forces on Montreal’s improvised and musique actuelle scenes. Coté’s work, both as a composer[...] Read more

Recordings Mike Chamberlain Issue 117